The average of Registered Nurse Salary in Oregon is $88,770 per year or $42.68 per hour.
Registered Nures Salary in Oregon (show/hide content):

Registered Nurse Salary in Oregon info by areas
See the presents data on comparison of registered nurse salary in Oregon with each area in the state. Data is presented from the hourly salaries, their annual salaries and number of registered nurses.Oregon state areas | Employment Numbers | Hourly Wage | Annual Salary |
Albany | 610 | $37.31 | $77,600 |
Bend-Redmond | 1,750 | $43.56 | $90,610 |
Central Oregon nonmetropolitan area | 1,020 | $38.63 | $80,360 |
Corvallis | 840 | $41.86 | $87,080 |
Eastern Oregon nonmetropolitan area | 1,040 | $36.97 | $76,900 |
Eugene | 2,900 | $42.40 | $88,190 |
Grants Pass | 430 | $39.57 | $82,300 |
Medford | 2,000 | $40.61 | $84,460 |
North Coast Oregon nonmetropolitan area | 630 | $42.19 | $87,750 |
Salem | 3,190 | $41.21 | $85,730 |
South Coast Oregon nonmetropolitan area | 1,300 | $39.24 | $81,610 |
Portland-Vancouver-Hillsboro | 22,500 | $43.78 | $91,070 |
Oregon state info
Salem is the state capital of Oregon OR. The largest cities in Oregon is Eugene, Portland and Salem. The latest OR's capita income is $42,974, and the population is 4,093,465 people.
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