Employment per 1000 jobs is 24,061 and 69,000 RNs are employed in the state in 2018. Whereas according to Indeed.com, the average salary of nurses recorded per hour in MN is $31.87 (as of September 19, 2019). The registered nurse salary figures in Minnesota are close to the national average salary.
Registered Nures Salary in Minnesota (show/hide content):

Registered Nurse Salary in Minnesota vs Nationwide
The average registered nurse salary in Minnesota per year reaches $78,920. The full of registered nurse salary in Minnesota data are presented below.This will show you the comparison of registered nurse salary in Minnesota with nationwide. The salary comparison data on an hourly, weekly, monthly and yearly basis.
Hourly Wage | Weekly Wage | Monthly Salary | Annual Salary | |
Nurse Practitioner Salary Minnesota | $55.84 | $2,234 | $9,679 | $116,150 |
U.S. Nurse Practitioner Salary | $51.68 | $2,067 | $8,957 | $107,480 |
U.S. National Average Salary | $24.34 | $973 | $4,218 | $50,620 |
Registered Nurse Salary in Minnesota info by areas
Check these comparison of the registered nurse salary in Minnesota with each region in the state. Data is presented from the number of registered nurses, hourly salaries and their annual salaries.Minnesota state areas | Employment Numbers | Hourly Wage | Annual Salary |
Mankato-North Mankato | 30 | $49.95 | $103,890 |
NE Minnesota nonmetropolitan area | 50 | $53.81 | $111,930 |
NW Minnesota nonmetropolitan area | 150 | $52.24 | $108,650 |
Rochester | 1,140 | $59.95 | $124,690 |
SE Minnesota nonmetropolitan area | 180 | $50.07 | $104,150 |
SW Minnesota nonmetropolitan area | 100 | $58.98 | $122,670 |
St. Cloud | 100 | $54.27 | $112,880 |
Duluth | 210 | $55.97 | $116,410 |
Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington | 1,950 | $54.18 | $112,700 |
Minnesota state info
St. Paul is the state capital of Minnesota MN. The largest city in Minnesota is St.Paul, Minneapolis and Rochester. The latest MN's capita income is $50,541, and the population is 5,489,594 people.
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