Monday, June 24, 2019

BSN Salary Texas

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BSN Salary Texas. Based on data from the Texas Action Coalition, which is part of the Center to Champion Nursing in America, that there are 50 percent of the 190,090 RN in Texas who hold associate degrees.

The Associate's degree serves as the highest level of education for the RN at a time when today's complex medical environment requires more nurses who have a BSN degree or higher.

BSN Salary in Texas as by Education

According to information from the US Department of Labor, that an RN with BSN education represents those who earn in the 75th and 90th percentiles. In the state of Texas, a BSN educated RN represents the top 25% in its field obtained in 2013.
  • 75th Percentile Annual Salary – $78,970
  • 90th Percentile Annual Salary – $91,360
  • 75th Percentile Hourly Wage – $37.97
  • 90th Percentile Hourly Wage – $43.93
bsn salary in texas
Annual salary results published by the Advanced Health Care Network for Nurses, which breaks salaries across the Southern United States based on education level. Revealing that, an RN with BSN education in the state of Texas can expect to get more average than their counterparts throughout the Southern Region.
  • Diploma – $53,860
  • Associates Degree – $58,562
  • Baccalaureate Degree – $61,956
  • Master’s Degree – $77,370
And according to the Texas Labor Commission shows there are some salary differences between the average Registered Nurse in Texas compared to RN who have more experience and higher levels of education.
  • Mean Annual Salary – $67,855
  • Experienced Annual Salary – $76,654

More info about BSN

The American Association of Colleges of Nursing reports that there are 39 accredited nursing schools in Texas. In 2013, 18,460 students were enrolled in baccalaureate programs, 5,304 master programs and 893 at doctoral level. This number is expected to increase dramatically with the help of the development of the Texas Action Coalition from a multi-focus model of the entire state to promote the RN-BSN and LPN-BSN programs that apply the concept-based curriculum.

Texas BSN School

The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) is widely recognized as providing the level of education and experience the current Registered Nurse needs for practical understanding of everything from health promotion and genetic counseling to screening and prevention of diseases. As more hospitals are looking for ways to increase the number of BSN-educated RNs on staff, they more often choose to employ only RNs prepared by BSN from nursing schools, while also offering incentives to encourage current RN staff to pursue bachelor's degrees.

As BSN emerged as a new educational standard in registered nursing, the pre-licensed BSN program provided new students with a licensing path that was in line with the expectations of employers. The RN-to-BSN bridge program is specifically designed for RN with ADN education, and provides an accelerated pathway to get a bachelor's degree, often in a flexible online format designed to accommodate RN work schedules.
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