Here are the comparison of the registered nurse salary in Washington state with the nationwide.
Registered Nurse Salary in Washington state (show/hide content):

Registered Nurse Salary in Washington state
The average of Registered Nurse Salary in Washington state is about $79,810. These RNs work actively in various hospitals and other health industries in Washington state.Hourly Wage | Weekly Wage | Monthly Salary | Annual Salary | |
Registered Nurse RN Salary Washington state | $38.37 | $1,535 | $6,651 | $79,810 |
U.S. Registered Nurse RN Salary | $35.36 | $1,414 | $6,129 | $73,550 |
U.S. National Average Salary | $24.34 | $973 | $4,218 | $50,620 |
Comparison of Registered Nurse Salaries in Washington state by region and city
The comparison data of registered nurse salary in Washington state as by region and city. These presented according to hourly, weekly, monthly salary and the number of registered nurses in each of these regions.Washington state area | Employment Numbers | Hourly Wage | Annual Salary |
Bremerton-Silverdale | 1,570 | $38.65 | $80,390 |
Central Washington nonmetro area | 490 | $36.00 | $74,870 |
E Washington nonmetropolitan area | 810 | $43.46 | $90,400 |
Kennewick-Richland | 1,920 | $36.21 | $75,320 |
Longview | - | $29.57 | $61,510 |
Mount Vernon-Anacortes | 740 | $34.93 | $72,660 |
NW Washington nonmetropolitan area | 970 | $35.95 | $74,780 |
Olympia-Tumwater | 1,740 | $35.19 | $73,200 |
Seattle-Bellevue-Everett | 24,870 | $39.36 | $81,870 |
Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue | 32,660 | $39.77 | $82,710 |
Spokane-Spokane Valley | 5,200 | $36.72 | $76,370 |
SW Washington nonmetropolitan area | 1,130 | $39.38 | $81,920 |
Tacoma-Lakewood | 7,790 | $41.06 | $85,400 |
Walla Walla | - | $32.30 | $67,190 |
Wenatchee | 1,160 | $37.35 | $77,690 |
Yakima | 1,880 | $35.68 | $74,210 |
Washington state info
Based on data from the U.S. Census Bureau, Washington state population in July 2018, there were 56,880 registered nurses ready to serve all of Washington state residents.Olympia is the capital of the state of Washington state. The largest cities are Seattle, Tacoma and Spokane. Washington state's per capita income is $51,156.
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