Based on BLS data, Tennessee has 60,360 registered nurses working in various health industries.
Registered Nures Salary in Tennessee (show/hide content):

Registered Nurse Salary in Tennessee vs Nationwide
The average registered nurse salary in Tennessee per year reaches $61,320. You can see in full on the registered nurse salary in Tennessee data below.The following data will show the comparison of registered nurse salary in Tennessee with nationwide. You can see salary comparison data on an hourly, weekly, monthly and yearly basis.
Hourly Wage | Weekly Wage | Monthly Salary | Annual Salary | |
Registered Nurse RN Salary Tennessee | $28.87 | $1,155 | $5,004 | $60,050 |
U.S. Registered Nurse RN Salary | $35.36 | $1,414 | $6,129 | $73,550 |
U.S. National Average Salary | $24.34 | $973 | $4,218 | $50,620 |
Registered Nurse Salary in Tennessee info by areas
We also present comparative data on the registered nurse salary in Tennessee in each area in the state. Data is presented based on the number of registered nurses, hourly salaries and their annual salaries.Tennessee state areas | Employment Numbers | Hourly Wage | Annual Salary |
Chattanooga | 5,670 | $27.42 | $57,040 |
Clarksville | 1,300 | $28.99 | $60,310 |
East Tennessee nonmetropolitan area | 1,450 | $26.43 | $54,970 |
Jackson | 2,030 | $27.72 | $57,650 |
Johnson City | 2,640 | $25.86 | $53,790 |
Kingsport-Bristol-Bristol | 2,670 | $25.31 | $52,650 |
Knoxville | 7,370 | $27.26 | $56,700 |
Memphis | 11,690 | $31.52 | $65,560 |
Morristown | 620 | $25.82 | $53,700 |
N Central Tennessee nonmetropolitan area | 2,130 | $28.78 | $59,860 |
Nashville-Davidson--Murfreesboro--Franklin | 20,720 | $29.96 | $62,310 |
S Central Tennessee nonmetropolitan area | 1,360 | $26.34 | $54,780 |
West Tennessee nonmetropolitan area | 1,700 | $26.03 | $54,130 |
Tennessee state info
Nashville is the state capital of Tennessee TN. The largest city in Tennessee is Nashville-Davidson, Memphis and Knoxville. The latest TN's capita income is $42,069, and the population is 6,600,299 people.
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