Saturday, September 7, 2019

Registered Nurse Jobs Interview

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Registered Nurse Jobs Interview. If you have completed the Registered Nurse program and obtained a license, you may be looking for work. Whether you're fresher or looking for a new job, you have to face interviews in both cases.

Are you wondering what are the general nursing interview questions you might face there? With the help of sample interview questions and answers, you can prepare yourself in advance.

The interview for registered nurses is more intense than any other profession. With the help of interviews, the interviewer can find out whether someone is suitable for the position or not.

registered nurse jobs interview

What are the Nursing Interview Common Questions?

Some sample questions and answers are designed to make it easy for you. Interview questions for nurses are often asked in nursing interviews.

Question 1: Tell about yourself.
This is the most common question, which gives you an open opportunity to show your strengths and skills. Instead of wasting time explaining your educational history; Tell the interviewer that you are the right person for the job. You can also illustrate this by giving examples.

Example Answer: I am a very motivated, energetic, and loving person, who wants to devote his whole life to care. I am a great communicator and like to help people. My previous appreciation and experience of 4 years taught me the importance of patient care and developed a sense of responsibility.

Question 2: Why do you want to work in the health sector?
Someone, who decides to become a nurse, has several different reasons besides earning money, to enter this field. This question gives you the opportunity to express your desire to help individuals and how important human life is to you.

Example Answer: I believe that with this profession, I can make a difference, and make people feel better. Seeing so many people in pain and sadness motivated me to practice breastfeeding.

Question 3: Why did you leave your current job?
Instead of criticizing your previous work, show the positive aspects. Never give a negative reason to leave, stay away from your employer or colleague. Focus on upcoming opportunities with new jobs.

Sample Answer: My previous work taught me many things and developed the qualities needed to be a capable nurse. But now, there is no room for growth, and I look forward to new challenges to develop in nursing.

Question 4: Where are you in the next five years?
The main objective of the interrogator is to find out if you are a career-oriented, ambitious worker and have a positive outlook on nursing. So, avoid discussing your dreams and sharing answers, which show your true commitment and interests.

Sample Answer: In 5 years, I want to have a deep knowledge of nursing by getting a doctorate, so that I can serve people with more advanced techniques.

Question 5: Why should I hire you?
It is the interviewer's job to hire the best person for the position. This question gives you a golden opportunity to impress recruiters by highlighting your expertise.

Sample Answer: You have to hire me because I have 4 years of experience in nursing that equips me with the ability to handle critical cases very patiently. I can be an asset to your health care center and be a strength when you are weak. I will do my best to bring innovations to nursing that can improve health care outcomes.

Question 6: How do you deal with patients, who complain about everything?
The main motto of asking this question is to determine whether you are able to handle difficult situations or not. When answering this question, you can share any difficult situations that you have managed at work before.

Example Answer: The main reason for complaints is their illness, which makes them unhappy. As a nurse, I will understand their situation, listen and convince them that the best service is provided to them.

Question 7: What do you think are the most difficult parts of being a nurse?
Maintenance is not an easy job. You continue to learn throughout your career. By asking this question, the interviewer wants to know your views about the difficulties of this profession.

Example Answer: In my opinion, the most complicated part of being a nurse is having patients, who suffer from incapable, incurable diseases.

Question 8: Discuss your biggest strengths and weaknesses.
The interviewer wants to check your strength to match the job requirements. Prepare a list of three strengths, such as an optimistic approach, interpersonal skills, your leadership qualities, which can be a treasure for the organization. Be honest about your weaknesses, discuss and mention the steps to fix it.

Sample Answer: I have exceptional leadership qualities and interpersonal skills, which help me to coordinate well with my colleagues.

I do not stop easily until the work is done in the right way; that is my main weakness.

Question 9: What actions have you taken to improve your knowledge?
If you have attended a seminar or are pursuing a degree in order to increase your knowledge and competence at work, mention it.

Example Answer: I enrolled in an advanced course to improve my managerial skills and also attended various seminars to improve interpersonal skills.

Question 10: Explain your former boss.
Don't make the mistake of criticizing your ex-boss, stay positive and state what you have learned from him.

Example Answer: Kevin is a competent supervisor with exceptional leadership qualities, who always maintains healthy interpersonal relationships. I have learned a lot from him.

Question 11: What motivates you to work in the field of nursing?
This question is a great opportunity; make sure to persevere while still highlighting positive features of yourself rather than giving vague answers. You can also describe your real life experience.

Example Answer: Critical situation and difficult patients motivate me. In my last job, I was confronted with a patient, who was not treated by a number of nurses, then I took over and solved this problem by understanding the situation. I really like to overcome challenges.

Question 12: What is your biggest failure?
It would be better for you to avoid the truth. Don't mention your big failure. The interviewer wants to reveal the shortcomings and actions you have taken to overcome them. You can explain one of your bad experiences with real examples and express what you have learned from it.

Example Answer: In my first job, I made a mistake in the patient chart. Luckily, my supervisor noticed it. Since then, I have always reviewed my charts.

General FAQ about Job Interviews with Registered Nurses

Let's accept the facts, many first impression accounts. No matter how well you prepare for the interview, if you fail to present yourself the right way, you might fail to attract the interviewer's attention too. Here are some important things that you should take care of, before appearing for an RN interview.

What Should You Bring to the Nurse Interview?
Walking into an unprepared interview is never a good idea. Bring all important supporting documents with your resume, such as - your RN license, advanced certification (ACLS / BCLS) or other additional diplomas that may be important to determine your candidacy.

Even if the interviewer doesn't ask for it, sending it in advance shows that you are well managed and prepared.

How to Dress and Groom for a Nurse Interview?
Your appearance and clothing are very important when dealing with nursing interviews. It doesn't matter how skilled you are, or how much experience you have; if you fail to look like a nurse, you could jeopardize your chances of being chosen.

The selection committee will look for candidates whose patients will easily vent. Personal care and cleanliness will be the first focus while the interviewer scans your appearance.

So, make sure before the interview that your hair is neatly cut and tied properly. Strands of hair hanging down your face can leave a bad impression.

Cut your nails. You are advised not to use nail polish or paint it with a smooth color.

Which Color Was Used in the Nurse Interview?
Blues, Grays, and Black are neutral colors that don't interfere, and also show confidence, trust, maturity, stability, and sophistication. Apart from them, white is another color that is never wrong.

You can combine a white shirt with a black pencil skirt; and in the case of an average shirt, tie and tailored pants that will do what is needed.

What you wear may not mask the answers to weak interview questions, but it will certainly give a lot about your overall personality.

What Not to Do in the Nurse Job Interview?

  • Don't wear low cut blouses or short skirts. Make sure the skirt is knee-deep. Whatever you wear, make sure, is not suggestive.
  • Avoid wearing harsh colors in an interview. Bright red, green or bright yellow and pink are a big no.
  • Avoid painting your nails with bold colors.
  • Don't keep long nails.
  • Don't use very intense makeup in nursing interviews.
  • Keep your hair away from your face.
  • Avoid showing off your tattoos, if any. Cover well.
  • Don't over accessorize. Save very minimal. Only a watch and a set of small earrings can be used.
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